my name is Arnaud Sintès and this is some kind of egocentric page with related links about me, myself and I.

Occasionally, I've done some webdesign/webmastering, mainly for Hiramys.

I'm also a guitarist and I'm working on a progressive rock/metal collaborative studio project named Chokhmah including a lot of talented musician and we've released so far three amazing tracks: a Truth to be Told, a Queen of Heart and a Nameless Hunger, alonside some guest participations to friend's projects.
I've also sang some of the songs of the electronic/rock band MILS.

I'm also doing some pure design works for professional purposes or just for fun.

I also performed some editing for Two Notes Audio Engineering's Torpedo Live demo and some live shootings for friends.

I've also released a small command line tools named Cube tool, to generate Adobe's Photoshop CS6 compatible 3D LUTs from two given source images.